Sweet Cream Heart in Rose Gold Polarized Mirrored Lenses


Sweet Cream Heart in Rose Gold Polarized Mirrored Lenses


Babiators let kids be kids, and look cool as can be, while protecting their eyes. Crafted in durable, safe materials, and fun colors, Babiators sunglasses help keep your babies, toddlers, and kids secure through all their everyday adventures. Featuring specialized lenses to help reduce glare, the Sweet Cream Heart in Rose Gold Polarized Mirrored Lenses add charming, whimsical fun to any of your little one's looks. 

Product Details

Babiators have UV400 lenses that offer 100% UVA and UVB protection and undergo rigorous testing to ensure they’re safe for your child. These sunglasses feature flexible rubber frames and impact-and-shatter-resistant lenses.

Care Instructions

Spot clean.

Size & Fit

Two sizes to fit kids ages 6 months to 6 years.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days.

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