Hand Tied Baby Clothes Bouquet


Hand Tied Baby Clothes Bouquet


As a sweet alternative to fresh flowers, Babylooms designs baby clothes bouquets for a thoughtful, loving gift. The brand, founded in 2005, blossomed and flourished their collection by offering personalized accessories for new moms, babies, and toddlers. The Hand Tied Baby Clothes Bouquet features white baby clothes with wonderfully soft fabric against the delicate skin of a newborn baby. The bouquet contains silk roses which can be kept by the new parents as a lasting keepsake.

Product Details

Includes: 100% cotton 1 x white hat, 4 pairs of white socks, white bodysuit, 2 white bibs, and 1 scratch mitten.

Care Instructions

Machine wash on cool, gentle cycle. 

Size & Fit

All garments are size 0-6 months 

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 business days for standard delivery. 

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt. Personalized items are final sale and not available for return. 

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