The Noe Dress


The Noe Dress


After honing her design vision and couture experience at Zac Posen, Narciso Rodriguez, and Chanel, Meredith Stoecklein emerges on her own with LEIN. The brand offers a new concept of tasteful, stylish wedding wear for the thoroughly modern bride. A reconfiguration of the traditional slip dress, the Noe is comprised of two layers of chiffon silk, with French lace on the outer and two side slits which allow the ruffled hem of the inner layer to flounce as you move. Heavenly.

Product Details

Chiffon silk and French lance.

Care Instructions

Dry-clean only.

Size & Fit

This item fits true to size.

Shipping Details

This item is made-to-order. Please allow 21 weeks for production and 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt.

Shipping Origin: United StatesHow it Works

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