Renowned for her exquisite, artful collections, British designer Hermione de Paula brings experience from the world’s leading couture houses to her namesake bridal wear. Surrealist prints, elaborate hand-drawn artwork, and intricate embroidery come together by a luxurious, artisanal hand in every one of these romantic creations. The 3D Flower Vine Mini is a divinely inspired party mini with a dipped sweetheart neckline bodice, and boasting a 3D white blossom, as well as enticing vines as decoration.
Product Details
Care Instructions
Dry-clean only.
Size & Fit
This item fits true to size. The made to order hem length is 46.5cm waist to hem, allowing you to shorten to your requirement in fittings.
Shipping Details
This item is made to order. Please allow 24 weeks for standard delivery.
Return Policy
This item is final sale and is unavailable for return.