Crest Basket


Crest Basket


Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece’s eponymous label is known internationally for its unmatched style and the quality of materials—like their organic, hand-picked Pima cotton—which lies at the heart of their baby essentials and contemporary children’s clothing. The most beautiful addition to your nursery. Made from the softest cotton sateen, the Crest Basket features the brand’s heritage crest, a signature design inspired by Princess Marie-Chantal’s five children and her favorite childhood novel. The stars and heart represent her five children: four blue stars for her sons and a pink heart for her daughter. The two horses are inspired by both her own and her children’s books. 

Product Details

Matching items available for nursery. 

Care Instructions

Hand wash cool.  

Size & Fit

One size. 

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days.

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