The cropped Daisy top has a scoop neckline and elbow-length balloon sleeves with banded cuffs.

Hunter Bell

Daisy Top in Tulip Bouquet


Hunter Bell

Hunter Bell strives to spark joy and inspiration with clothing that empowers women to embrace their personal style. The New York City-based brand is all about fashion-forward, fun looks, designed with detailed craftsmanship and exceptional wearability. The Daisy Top in Tulip Bouquet exudes understated charm with its scoop neckline,  elbow-length balloon sleeves adorned with banded cuffs. We love the special details too, like the cropped profile for a modern touch, as well as the floral play in the vibrant pattern.

Product Details

Light-weight cotton.

Care Instructions

Dry-clean only.

Size & Fit

This item fits true to size.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt. 

Shipping Origin: United StatesHow it Works

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