Boys Harbor Island Shirt And White Linen Short Gift Set


Boys Harbor Island Shirt And White Linen Short Gift Set


At the heart of Louelle are timeless, soft, luxurious  linen pieces and gifts for babies and children. Designed in New York & Melbourne, and produced ethically and responsibly in India, these are elevated essentials, crafted minimally to ensure your child’s comfort with light materials and simple silhouettes. Boys Harbor Island Shirt And White Linen Short Gift Set will have your little island-ready when it comes time for a warm weather trip.

Product Details

Cotton/linen blend. Made in India.

Care Instructions

Machine wash with like colors.

Size & Fit

This item fits true to size.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt.



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