Love Heart Necklace

Hart Jewelry

Love Heart Necklace


When you think Hart, think joyful jewelry. Created by Charlestonian Hart Hagerty in 2016, each piece of Hart Jewelry is a talisman to positivity, creating a soul-boosting experience for the modern, mindful woman. With a chain crafted is a premium gold-filled cable, the pendant on the Love Heart Necklace features the brand’s bestselling Love Heart charm on their signature, chunky cable chain. There’s an extra thick layer of gold, too, which we can’t help but love.

Product Details

The 18" chain is lightweight, strong, and can be clasped anywhere for various lengths. Made in the U.S.A.

Care Instructions

Hart proudly plates her necklaces with a 14K gold finish that is more than double the thickness of the industry standard. This luxe finish means that your necklace will be slower to tarnish over time. You can further protect the plating by keeping it away from water, chemicals, and perfume. Store in a pouch when not wearing it.

Size & Fit

Pendant is 4cm high x 3.7 cm wide.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days.  

Shipping Origin: United StatesHow it Works

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