Peach Girl Dress


Peach Girl Dress


Inspired by the beauty of motherhood, Dondolo is a luxury lifestyle brand that provides beautiful, heirloom-quality clothing for generations to come. Each design is thoughtfully crafted in Colombia with ethical manufacturing, making every piece even more special. Featuring a delightful floral print illustrated by Colombian artist Barbara Weisner, this dress is made from soft sateen cotton, offering a comfortable and stylish outfit for your little one. The elegant pleated trim detailing adds a touch of sophistication, while the red hand-smocked stitching accentuates the floral print beautifully.

Product Details

Colombian sateen cotton. Three buttons on the back. 

Care Instructions

Machine washable in warm water. 

Size & Fit

This item fits true to size. 

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt.

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