Personalized Crest Stationery Set

Thistle and Briar Studio

Personalized Crest Stationery Set


Launched in 2020 by Alexandra Pijut, Thistle and Briar Studio was born of her lifelong love of art and the desire to create hand-painted, whimsical designs for clients to cherish. Give thank you notes a custom touch, and keep the art of the handwritten letter alive with a set of personalized stationery. 

Product Details

Made in the USA.

Care Instructions

Store in a dry place.

Size & Fit

6.25" x 4.625"

Shipping Details

This item is made-to-order. Please allow 3-4 weeks for production and 5-7 business days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is final sale and not available for return.

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