Science Of Hitting | Vintage Chestnut Leather - Ghurka


Science Of Hitting Book in Vintage Chestnut Leather


Since 1975, Ghurka has made iconic American goods for all our journeys, from the intercontinental to just across town. With each iconic design fit for purpose and imbued with functional luxury, the brand employs the finest leather craftsmanship to create classic, reliable pieces that only get better with age. A lifelong student of hitting, Ted Williams sought advice from every great hitter—and pitcher—he met, becoming perhaps the greatest hitter of all time. Drawing on that advice, as well as his own legendary life in baseball, Williams produced the all-time batting classic, The Science of Hitting—here wrapped in Ghurka Leather—the ideal book for any baseball fan.

Product Details

Traditional full-grain leather. 

Size and Fit

7.4" W x 9.1" H x 0.3" D

Care Instructions

Spot clean.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt.


Shipping Origin: United StatesHow it Works

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