The Classic Shave Cream


The Classic Shave Cream


A super clean option for men’s personal care, Jackfir uses a connection to wellness, informed by the abundance of the great outdoors, to bring you conscious, high-quality, effective products free of harsh, unnatural ingredients. Whether you shave every day or have finally decided to hack off the beard, The Classic Shave Cream's soothing, protective razor cushion offers a comfortable, close shave. It contains aloe and cucumber extract to prep whiskers and ensure natural moisture is locked in before and after shaving, and panthenol and bisabolol help to calm dry, irritated skin. Toss it in your briefcase, weekender, or gym bag for and optimal shave wherever your adventures take you.

Product Details

EWG Verified. Contains 70% organic ingredients. Allergy-tested. Dermatologist-tested. Certified Vegan. GMO Free. Gluten Free. Certified Cruelty Free.

Care Instructions

Store in a dry place.

Size & Fit

6 fl. oz.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days.

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