The Fleur Midi Dress in White

Hill House Home

The Fleur Midi Dress in White


Hill House Home is a fashion and lifestyle brand that brings beauty and joy to everyday rituals. With a design-centric approach, Hill House offers impeccable quality, and timeless, delicate styles through quality products designed to enhance and celebrate life. An ideal warm weather halter, The Fleur Midi Dress in White works for every spring summer setting, down to every detail, like the functional ties and flattering, subtle square neckline. 

Product Details


Care Instructions

Wash with cold water. Lay flat to dry.

Size & Fit

This item fits true to size.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt.

Shipping Origin: United StatesHow it Works

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