Octavia Dress in White with Bouquets


Octavia Dress in White with Bouquets


Tomboy looks, girly-girl styles, and an always fashionable approach define Eddy’s aesthetic. With a focus on bold and feminine silhouettes, Eddy dresses and tops pair elevated California bohemian with global inspiration; these are clothes designed to make you feel good inside and out. Crafted with 100% organic cotton, the Octavia Dress in White with Bouquets is adorned with a three floral prints. White, green and blue printed flower bouquet contrast against the white base. With fully adjustable straps ensuring a personalized fit, and romantic details like the corset lace-up back, this fitted bodice flows into a flouncy skirt, culminating in a statement ruffle printed with the contrasting sweet green print. 

Product Details

100% BCI cotton satin. High-waisted. Full length. Easy, full skirt. Fully lined. Adjustable straps. Skirt finishes with contracting print detail. Invisible side zipper. 

Care Instructions

Handle with care and clean delicately. Wash on cold and tumble drying on low or as the care tag recommends, dry clean.

Size & Fit

This item fits true to size.

Shipping Details

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days.

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